physiological and pathophysiological theory 
osteopathic treatment approaches
hyphotheses behind the practical
treatment of children

Are you an osteopath and lacking confidence treating babies?

Would you like more knowledge of paediatrics?

Learn why children are NOT just "little adults"!

Learn everything you need to treat them adequately!

The course package includes...

•  17 content-rich chapters

•  Theoretical & practical videos for a better understanding of babies & toddlers!

•  PDF of the presentations!

•  Workbook to print out & create a beautiful folder!

•  Book recommendations for an even deeper dive!

•  Articles to supplement the teaching material!

•  "Learning path" with further reading, studies & references to other learning resources!

•  Self-tests to check learning progress!

•  4 webinars per year, each covering topics of the course in depth and with discussion of clinical cases!

•  Forum on closed learning environment to exchange with other participants and teacher Claudia Knox!

access for 2 years!

From the first cry
             to the first step

Book now!

Content Preview:

•    Introduction to paediatric osteopathy
•    Pregnancy
•    The physiological birth
•    Anatomy of the newborn
•    The unphysiological birth
•    Ventouse, forceps, c-section
•    The newborn
•    Breastfeeding, sucking, reflux, tongue tie
•    Examination of the newborn
•    The unsettled baby
•    Differential diagnoses of "colic"
•    Development during the first year
•    Musculoskeletal challenges - osteopathic approach
•    Teething
•    Nutrition and handling of the baby
•    Sleep
•    Connective tissue & autonomic nervous system

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